Thursday, May 27, 2004


A friend and I have been talking about blessings, goals and miracles. God has worked in my life in ways I (and others) can't deny. Things that are not possible have become so. I have been brought to places I cannot be and given opportunities that are beyond my ability -- and given the ability to fulfill them.

He doesn't see his life that way. And there don't seem to be as many "big events" he can point to and say, "Yes. This was the hand of God." At least not on the surface, but I've been thinking.

Sometimes I wonder if the fact that the bad things haven't happened isn't as much of a "miracle" as when the really good things do.

Sometimes, in looking for God to do amazing things, we forget he already has. How many thousands of multi-ton vehicles and somnolescent drivers, my own and myself included, shared the road with me this morning, many ignoring the posted rules and regulations meant for safety -- and as of 7:44 this morning, I'm still alive.

Before that, I woke up. Maybe it doesn't seem like much, but regardless of when I wake up or how much sleep I've gotten, I did wake up -- sometimes despite the fact that there are biological reasons why it would be improbable.

I haven't lost my job at a time when so many have. I'm don't have to worry or wonder about what I'm going to eat tonight or where I'm going to go. I have more than enough water to drink -- and can opt for bottled when I don't like the taste of the tap. I have enough for a hot shower every morning and a bath at night -- and what's more, I have the time for both, and for leisure in general.

If my apartment is too hot or too cold, I can adjust that. If it doesn't work, someone will fix it. If I get wet when it rains, usually it's because I've chosen to go out in it, not because I had no place to get out of it.

I don't have to walk everywhere I go. As much as I complain about gas prices, my tank is still full. I have friends and family who love me when so many are alone.

I'm not lucky. I think there are plenty of events in my life to prove that if I'm relying on luck, I'm ... well, out of luck. But I have been blessed.

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