Saturday, January 15, 2005

Psalm 22

Studying Psalm 22 always makes me think.

Psalm 22 is the Psalm that Jesus quoted from the cross and in a class Curt was teaching a couple weeks ago, this thought struck me: whoever penned that psalm knew nothing about Jesus, didn't have a clue about the christology of the coming church and had no way of knowing what would be done with his words. But what hit me for the first time was this: somebody thousands of years ago sat down and wrote words that not only comforted Israel for thousands of years, but were the words that came to the mind of Christ in arguably the worst moments of his life.

The words of the lament of a man of flesh to his God came as comfort to the mouth and mind of the Word of God made flesh. It's an interesting chiasm.


Matt Elliott said...

Am I nuts or did you actually post an update?!? (Perhaps both are true.)

Nice to have you back. And I'm glad I picked up that hot little live journal link while you still had it up there!

Ben said...

great observation on Psalm 22. Loved the chaism. Is it original?