Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Remember me?

That's the question Blogger asks as I log in. Funny, I guess, in that it works on several levels. Yes, I want it to remember my password so that in the traditional lazy geekoid way I don't have to type it in each time (and no, you can't borrow my computer until I've logged out, thanks). But I've checked that box before, yet if I go too long without posting (which is apparently some arbitrarily assigned number of days; my blog is finicky) it will forget, guilting me into typing once again the magic words that open my account: username, password. It ceases to remember because I've ceased to make my presence known. It waits patiently here slumbering cybernetically in its small virtual corner of blogland while I go about my small circle of the 3D world, living my life with whatever significance it's got only thinking of this page in passing.

But the links to the left I think of often. I visit them often, browse the archives often, though I comment less than I'd like. I browse pages I haven't made myself sit down and link yet (in much the same way I've not updated my "current reading" since... August. My "current reading" changes every 2 - 3 days, tops.).

Of course, I somehow manage to talk my head off here. (Ooh. Did I really just point that link out? Hrm. Am I lucid at the moment? Maybe I'm wagering that no one reads this page anymore... ^_^) There I feel compelled to talk about pretty much everything and a lot of nothing. Including, of course, important life lessons gleaned from commercials, my absolute lack of knowledge of anything related to pop culture and... well, my old college roommate and I interact a lot there, too, so it's psychoses on parade some days.

No real point to this post. I just got to thinking about this spot in cyberspace.


Matt Elliott said...

Oh, THERE you are! I was getting worried about you. Thanks for the new link. :-)

Quiara said...

Beware... Poking around in my LJ could lead to delusions of sanity -- yours, not mine. Anything looks sane next to the stuff I've got going on over there. ^_~

Beverly Choate Dowdy said...

I do remember you and think of you often and hope all is well. Question? Is that YOU on the other website???

Quiara said...

Yes, that's my psychosis as well. Promise I'm not simply manifesting multiple personalities or anything, though. That (the LJ) is a site through which I and some friends I've known for a long time (for the most part) keep up with each other. I've been posting stuff over there almost daily for years and it tends to be pretty random -- including where in Memphis one can find an Anointed Oil Auto Repair, FYI. It's the online equivalent of the cafeteria supper table, I guess, or the dorm lobby. It started as a lot of my high school or Harding friends and kind of ballooned from there.

Serena Voss said...


I think of you often and pray that you will find a time of refreshing during this season.
