Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Too often, where I work is silent.

I work in a clean lab and my computer has no sound. (I'd send it down to IT, but I'm afraid it'd come back with sound but no operating system or something worse.) I hadn't realized how much music impacts me, how much it shapes my moods and the way I encounter things. Silly as it may sound: I need music. I need to play music, sing, or even just listen, but I need music.

I have a friend who believes that music is just another way in which God speaks to us. And I tend to think he's right. And just like we can abuse the other channels through which God chooses to communicate, so this, too, can be abused -- and often is, as is apparent if you turn on nearly any radio station.

I don't mean that I think all music has to be (or even ought to be) "Christian" music insofar as it's defined by the music industry today. But I think that all good music cannot help but be Christian music -- because every good and perfect gift comes from above.

Anyway, not incredibly deep thoughts. Just randomly thankful for the invention of the iPod: portable music in a silent lab. ^_~

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